Monday, January 30, 2012

Blog #4

HOMER sits in a chair and watches a MAN TOKE on his cigar and BLOW the smoke out, the camera pans out and there is DETECTIVE sitting at desk in front of a lie detector which is RUNNING paper through as the mark SCRATCHES lines on the sheet while a man WALKS in the background SCRIBBLING on a clipboard.
Now we’re going to run a few tests, this is a simple lie detector I’ll ask you a few yes or no questions and you just answer truthfully. Do you understand?

The lie detector BEEPS to signal it’s a lie and EXPLODES to show that it can’t comprehend how untrue the statement is.

I like how the scene is set up where Homer seems to contrast everyone in the room one based on how he’s dressed and two based on how he’s acting he tries to make up for how he’s acting by trying to act smart which is ironic because it back fires and does just the opposite of that by him lying on the test. The speed and loudness in the detectives voice shows that she knows what she is doing and is very confident in her job once again contrasting the stupidity and foolishness of Homer Simpson making the scene funny. When the shot fades in it is of Homer watching what looks to be another detective smoking a cigar very nonchalantly acting very calm and relaxed showing the difference between the two characters once again only to set up the scene for the big joke at the end which makes Homer look like a fool, he is surrounded by people who purposefully are all doing something asking questions jotting down notes even the guy smoking a cigar who really isn’t doing anything is acting like he is doing something these characters are all put here to do something and that is to make Homer look like he’s not doing anything. Also the distance from which each of the detectives is shows that Homer is self conscious and alone.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Blog #3
Acknowledging the lizard, I’d say that each of the seven pillars are equally important as they coincide with each other and in order to perfectly reinvent yourself you will need all of them. The lizard however I would say is the most difficult to do, humiliation I would say can trigger a greater response than pain so in order to know this may happen and to go after it anyway is like playing Russian roulette. Connect I feel is equally as important however I feel this is the easiest to accomplish by just utilizing the internet and other tools around you with your talent. I liked how Godin talked about making art, where it is creating something that wasn’t created I think this draws a different and better light to what the average person thinks art is.

These tools will definitely help with our blogs and with that I would say that these blogs are important, whether it’s someone who is just now learning how to use this vital tool, which will be essential to many of us involved in media in the future, or just with learning how to better your writing. Using this blog to connect is pretty simple in the fact that we are using the blog to connect simple as that, we post how we feel on different things trying to make a difference and that is for the rest of the world to see, connecting you to the world around you like it or not. Generosity is important to the pillars because it keeps much of the arts around and has for the past hundreds of years with patrons and fanatics alike helping out the cause, in these blogs we’re generous through the giving of our information. Make art: it’s really as simple as that, creating something is exactly what I am doing at this very moment by typing on this keyboard bringing my thoughts and ideas to life, bettering myself through self expression. Acknowledge the Lizard is also what I am doing write now like in making art you’re susceptible to the critique of your peers and or laughter putting your work out there to be judged, which we can all continually get better at. Ship was my least favorite of the seven pillars and I feel that while it’s important to get the product out there I think it’s equally as important to just create the product, which I am doing right now, sound familiar? Fail I feel while all the pillars are equally important this may edge out the competition by a hair just ahead of learn, to know how to fail is to be great. Failing is the most important part of the learning process and knowing how to deal with this failure is really important. I don’t know if I’m going to fail this blog assignment but if I was to I’d like to think that what I’d take from that failure was more than what I would receive from the success I may receive if passing the assignment. Lastly learning is very important to the pillars with out it you can take nothing from any of the pillars the act of understanding is one of the most beautiful things that can happen in life. Through this blog and the readings that come along with it I am learning about the material as well as learning about myself.

Blog #2
In the story I read there are a group of wolves that are going extinct so they're bred and the pups are released into the wild. Only the new wolves don't know how to howl so one of them, Mumon, goes off into the wilderness to find it. He is tried by himself until he is at his lowest and from within finds his howl and brings the pack as one. The main point of this story is hard work and persistence will ultimately get you what you want.

Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar
“I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet and another fig was a brilliant professor, and another fig was Ee Gee, the amazing editor, and another fig was Europe and Africa and South America, and another fig was Constantin and Socrates and Attila and a pack of other lovers with queer names and offbeat professions, and another fig was an Olympic lady crew champion, and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn't quite make out. I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, just because I couldn't make up my mind which of the figs I would choose. I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and, as I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground at my feet.”

This quote from Sylvia Plath’s book The Bell Jar is just a wonderful story apart from the actual book which I truly feel could relate to anyone but for me it is even more so a warning, a personal warning. If I could forewarn you that this personal snippet of my life is going to sound like I am boasting I truly hope you see that in no way do I feel I am better than anyone and am more than thankful for any talent given to me by my parents or God or however I’ve come to receive any gift I now possess. With that being said from a young age I almost felt as if I was destined to be something great and I truly believed that I was capable of doing anything I set my mind to, mainly because I had been told I could from those around me. Now what I was destined to do great things in was far beyond me. I was never actually diagnosed with any sort of ADHD but I never seemed to be able to stick with one thing. Luckily like I said, I was blessed with wonderful genetics and was pretty naturally gifted. I picked up piano and started taking lessons at the age of five started with sports and was fairly successful at a young age and moved into theatre in high school as well as was a good student and was involved in student government and really anything else I could get myself into, to say the least my future looked somewhat bright. I could see myself going places and felt as if I could pursue whatever it was I pleased. However like in this story that Sylvia gives us, sometimes too many options can leave you with only one and that is to choose nothing. As I aged I spread my talents across the fields of athletics, music and of course girls, excuse I mean education. However I was never devoted to just one these things I had spread myself thin, whether it was being a lead in the musicals, being the captain of the football team, being an honor student or pursuing the life of a musician I couldn’t settle down with one thing and this stimuli threw me a curve because while I was good at these things I could not choose one and try and make myself the best I could be at that one thing, like I said the ADHD. Even now as a nineteen year old I have so much life ahead of me and I just couldn’t decide, and there lies the problem like the protagonist of The Bell Jar indecision. Choosing one thing means losing the rest, and “What if I choose wrong?” then pops into my head and knowing I don’t have the balls to know I am good enough at this to make a happy life out of it. All these things have lead me from where I once was, sitting at the crotch of the fig tree to where I am now seizing what life I have and going at it with everything I have got. Essentially when something presents itself in front of me I take it and run. I refuse to be in one spot, and it is from this that I derive my creativity by just going for it, don’t think a mile ahead of yourself, because thinking a mile ahead of yourself is not going to get you a mile from where you sit. I feel this decision has lead me to be more creative as a person just by allowing myself to not be afraid to pursue something really holding nothing back and knowing that I will get one of those figs.

Blog #1

Protagonist’s Color, Light and Shape

Color: Red, white and blue
I these colors for my protagonist because they are synonymous with the America being that they are the colors of the American flag, what we see as the American flag representing is what my character is. There is that the colors represent who my character is based on what the colors themselves represent as a whole as well as my character being very patriotic, being kicked out of the CIA and having the desire to be reinstated. The colors red and blue are both bold colors showing strength and white being that of integrity all of which my protagonist is.

Lighting: Lone spotlight
My characters lighting is represented through that of a lone spotlight shining down on the one single person surrounded by darkness. This shows that the character is alone in that he doesn’t have many allies being that he is sort of a pariah after being outcast from the CIA which is had dedicated it life to be in in the first place leaving friends and family to dedicate himself to the agency and to be ousted. Also the spot light many times casts a shadow on the characters face making them very mysterious, which is one thing my character portrays.

Shape: Smooth kite like
I chose this smooth stone in the shape of a kite to represent my character because one my character is very smooth when it comes to conversation and can easily get his way around people by manipulation in all the right ways. I also chose a rock to be what this shape takes from because a rock is very sturdy and strong both which my character shows. Most importantly the kite shape shows strength and intimidation while also demanding a sort of respect. Many times when a woman is looking for a man one thing she finds very attractive is the fact that his shoulders are very broad and is taper the rest of the way down, my characters has this sort of appeal.
Protagonist: Andrew Fox

Antagonist’s Color, Lighting and Shape.

Color: Orange, Green and Brown
The antagonist had these colors chosen mainly because one they are the most attractive colors when all thrown together and they contrasting the protagonist of the story’s colors that of red and blue. Well green and orange contrast red and blue and brown was chosen are a third color because many things we associate with brown are dirty and disgusting I don’t think I need to list any examples. Brown, green and orange in the way they used with this is character as all bland as well which out antagonist is, being an insurance salesman. These colors together represent everything that the protagonist isn’t.

Lighting: very little
The antagonist of the story isn’t lit every well he wants to remain hidden and ominous. Essentially this character wants to rule the world by starting a war and selling all the nuclear warheads, however he doesn’t yet have the money for that quite yet so, he, as an insurance salesman basically screws the weak, old and stupid out of their money by many of the loopholes that he knows in the system. Yes, while this character is the antagonist he is not often seen hiding behind the many loopholes he has set which is why I chose this lighting.

Shape: Grotesquely Round
This doughnut represents the antagonist in this story because one he is round like the doughnut and fat like the doughnut can make you. The shape of our character is misleading in some ways however when you see someone overweight you may see sloth or gluttony both associated with the seven deadly sins, giving you one idea, however our character, while yes is overweight and you may think these things, is a genius. He uses his mind to do the work setting loopholes and tricking people out of their money, which of course has lead to his shape because he has his loopholes, do all the work. While the round shape does represent his overweight and things that go with it, it also doesn’t make him very intimidating.
Antagonist: John Lifetaker

Friday, January 6, 2012

sham on

first blog post
trying to get the hang of how exactly to do this,
so i'll start off nice and slow
but with some sort of class