Monday, January 30, 2012

Blog #4

HOMER sits in a chair and watches a MAN TOKE on his cigar and BLOW the smoke out, the camera pans out and there is DETECTIVE sitting at desk in front of a lie detector which is RUNNING paper through as the mark SCRATCHES lines on the sheet while a man WALKS in the background SCRIBBLING on a clipboard.
Now we’re going to run a few tests, this is a simple lie detector I’ll ask you a few yes or no questions and you just answer truthfully. Do you understand?

The lie detector BEEPS to signal it’s a lie and EXPLODES to show that it can’t comprehend how untrue the statement is.

I like how the scene is set up where Homer seems to contrast everyone in the room one based on how he’s dressed and two based on how he’s acting he tries to make up for how he’s acting by trying to act smart which is ironic because it back fires and does just the opposite of that by him lying on the test. The speed and loudness in the detectives voice shows that she knows what she is doing and is very confident in her job once again contrasting the stupidity and foolishness of Homer Simpson making the scene funny. When the shot fades in it is of Homer watching what looks to be another detective smoking a cigar very nonchalantly acting very calm and relaxed showing the difference between the two characters once again only to set up the scene for the big joke at the end which makes Homer look like a fool, he is surrounded by people who purposefully are all doing something asking questions jotting down notes even the guy smoking a cigar who really isn’t doing anything is acting like he is doing something these characters are all put here to do something and that is to make Homer look like he’s not doing anything. Also the distance from which each of the detectives is shows that Homer is self conscious and alone.

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