Sunday, January 29, 2012

Blog #3
Acknowledging the lizard, I’d say that each of the seven pillars are equally important as they coincide with each other and in order to perfectly reinvent yourself you will need all of them. The lizard however I would say is the most difficult to do, humiliation I would say can trigger a greater response than pain so in order to know this may happen and to go after it anyway is like playing Russian roulette. Connect I feel is equally as important however I feel this is the easiest to accomplish by just utilizing the internet and other tools around you with your talent. I liked how Godin talked about making art, where it is creating something that wasn’t created I think this draws a different and better light to what the average person thinks art is.

These tools will definitely help with our blogs and with that I would say that these blogs are important, whether it’s someone who is just now learning how to use this vital tool, which will be essential to many of us involved in media in the future, or just with learning how to better your writing. Using this blog to connect is pretty simple in the fact that we are using the blog to connect simple as that, we post how we feel on different things trying to make a difference and that is for the rest of the world to see, connecting you to the world around you like it or not. Generosity is important to the pillars because it keeps much of the arts around and has for the past hundreds of years with patrons and fanatics alike helping out the cause, in these blogs we’re generous through the giving of our information. Make art: it’s really as simple as that, creating something is exactly what I am doing at this very moment by typing on this keyboard bringing my thoughts and ideas to life, bettering myself through self expression. Acknowledge the Lizard is also what I am doing write now like in making art you’re susceptible to the critique of your peers and or laughter putting your work out there to be judged, which we can all continually get better at. Ship was my least favorite of the seven pillars and I feel that while it’s important to get the product out there I think it’s equally as important to just create the product, which I am doing right now, sound familiar? Fail I feel while all the pillars are equally important this may edge out the competition by a hair just ahead of learn, to know how to fail is to be great. Failing is the most important part of the learning process and knowing how to deal with this failure is really important. I don’t know if I’m going to fail this blog assignment but if I was to I’d like to think that what I’d take from that failure was more than what I would receive from the success I may receive if passing the assignment. Lastly learning is very important to the pillars with out it you can take nothing from any of the pillars the act of understanding is one of the most beautiful things that can happen in life. Through this blog and the readings that come along with it I am learning about the material as well as learning about myself.

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