Sunday, January 29, 2012

Blog #1

Protagonist’s Color, Light and Shape

Color: Red, white and blue
I these colors for my protagonist because they are synonymous with the America being that they are the colors of the American flag, what we see as the American flag representing is what my character is. There is that the colors represent who my character is based on what the colors themselves represent as a whole as well as my character being very patriotic, being kicked out of the CIA and having the desire to be reinstated. The colors red and blue are both bold colors showing strength and white being that of integrity all of which my protagonist is.

Lighting: Lone spotlight
My characters lighting is represented through that of a lone spotlight shining down on the one single person surrounded by darkness. This shows that the character is alone in that he doesn’t have many allies being that he is sort of a pariah after being outcast from the CIA which is had dedicated it life to be in in the first place leaving friends and family to dedicate himself to the agency and to be ousted. Also the spot light many times casts a shadow on the characters face making them very mysterious, which is one thing my character portrays.

Shape: Smooth kite like
I chose this smooth stone in the shape of a kite to represent my character because one my character is very smooth when it comes to conversation and can easily get his way around people by manipulation in all the right ways. I also chose a rock to be what this shape takes from because a rock is very sturdy and strong both which my character shows. Most importantly the kite shape shows strength and intimidation while also demanding a sort of respect. Many times when a woman is looking for a man one thing she finds very attractive is the fact that his shoulders are very broad and is taper the rest of the way down, my characters has this sort of appeal.
Protagonist: Andrew Fox

Antagonist’s Color, Lighting and Shape.

Color: Orange, Green and Brown
The antagonist had these colors chosen mainly because one they are the most attractive colors when all thrown together and they contrasting the protagonist of the story’s colors that of red and blue. Well green and orange contrast red and blue and brown was chosen are a third color because many things we associate with brown are dirty and disgusting I don’t think I need to list any examples. Brown, green and orange in the way they used with this is character as all bland as well which out antagonist is, being an insurance salesman. These colors together represent everything that the protagonist isn’t.

Lighting: very little
The antagonist of the story isn’t lit every well he wants to remain hidden and ominous. Essentially this character wants to rule the world by starting a war and selling all the nuclear warheads, however he doesn’t yet have the money for that quite yet so, he, as an insurance salesman basically screws the weak, old and stupid out of their money by many of the loopholes that he knows in the system. Yes, while this character is the antagonist he is not often seen hiding behind the many loopholes he has set which is why I chose this lighting.

Shape: Grotesquely Round
This doughnut represents the antagonist in this story because one he is round like the doughnut and fat like the doughnut can make you. The shape of our character is misleading in some ways however when you see someone overweight you may see sloth or gluttony both associated with the seven deadly sins, giving you one idea, however our character, while yes is overweight and you may think these things, is a genius. He uses his mind to do the work setting loopholes and tricking people out of their money, which of course has lead to his shape because he has his loopholes, do all the work. While the round shape does represent his overweight and things that go with it, it also doesn’t make him very intimidating.
Antagonist: John Lifetaker

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